28 May 2011

Lipton Brisk x Morning Breath

Lipton Brisk x Morning Breath by billy craven
Lipton Brisk x Morning Breath, a photo by billy craven on Flickr.
Lipton Brisk recently released a series of bottles that were graphically enhanced by underground artists from around the globe.
My favorites are definitely the Triston Eaton and Brooklyn's Bionic Duo 'Morning Breath' [above].
More info about Lipton's 'Mind Blowing Artists' collab: www.drinkbrisk.com


  1. Lipton Brisk recently released a series of bottles that were graphically enhanced by underground artists from around the globe. These are also my favorites and I use them a lot. They are always very beneficial.

  2. This is cool refreshing drink.Lipton Brisk newly released a series of bottles.
